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The PSU Stuttering Lab investigates theoretical and practical topics related to stuttering across the lifespan. Specifically, our research is focused on: 1) investigating the use of telepractice for delivery of monolingual and bilingual speech-language pathology services and 2) exploring novel methods for reducing the stigma associated with stuttering. Projects related to telepractice include exploring the reliability and validity of using telepractice to assess stuttering. Projects related to best practices for assessment and treatment of persons who stutter currently include examining the use of self-disclosure statements and investigating the implementation of stigma reduction techniques in treatment by speech-language pathologists.

A Man Looking at his Tablet Device


Megann McGill, PhD, CCC-SLP is a faculty member in the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences at Portland State University and the Primary Investigator in the PSU Stuttering Lab. She received her bachelor's, master's, and PhD from The University of Texas at Austin. Megann's research and clinical interests include fluency disorders, telepractice, and bilingualism. Megann has worked as a Spanish-English bilingual SLP in acute care, private practice, home health, and educational settings. On the weekends, Megann enjoys spending time with her husband, Patrick, and miniature-schnauzer, Lulu. 

Magdalena DiFazio is the PSU Stuttering Lab Manager and a first year graduate student at Portland State University studying speech-language pathology. She received her bachelor's at Duquesne University. She is also a person who stutters. Her clinical and research interests include early intervention, the interaction between stuttering and bilingualism, and honoring neurodiversity in speech-language pathology. In her free time, Maggie enjoys practicing her Spanish, attending concerts and plays, baking, and hiking.

John Chloel Delos-Reyes is an undergraduate student at Portland State University studying speech-language pathology. John is a BUILD EXITO scholar training to become a scientific researcher. 

Bhavani Ganesh is an undergraduate student at Portland State University studying speech and hearing sciences. She is interested in learning about telepractice and the use of AAC devices. She is also interested in learning about stuttering and bilingualism in children and adolescents. She has been a member of the Stuttering Lab since Fall 2020. Her hobbies include singing Indian and western music, trying new dishes and cuisines and watching Asian TV shows.

Emme Herring  is an undergraduate student at Portland State University studying Speech and Hearing Sciences. She is interested in understanding more about the basis of stuttering and the practicalities of tele practice in the world of a speech language pathologist. She has been a member of the PSU Stuttering Lab since Fall 2020. Her hobbies include reading, hiking, spending time with family and friends, and traveling. 

Rebecca Sachs is a post-bacc student at Portland State University studying speech and hearing sciences. Her interests in the field of speech language pathology include articulation, phonology, early intervention, and fluency. Prior to returning to school, Rebecca spent 10 years working as a Montessori Children's House Guide, working with children from various backgrounds. In her free time, she enjoys singing, aerial arts, and baking.

Krystal Benitez is an undergraduate student at Portland State University studying speech language pathology. Her interests in research are stuttering, bilingualism, early intervention, and traumatic brain injury. Some of Krystal's hobbies outside of her work is adventuring new places, painting, and photography. 


McGill, M., Turrietta, C., & Lal, A. (2021). Teaching health science students during COVID-19: Cross-hemisphere reflections. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practices. 


McGill, M. & *Dennard, Q. (2021). Graduate Students’ Perspectives Toward Telepractice at the COVID-19 Global Pandemic Onset. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups.


McGill, M., *Siegel, J., & *Noureal, N. (2021). A Preliminary Comparison of In-Person and Telepractice Evaluation of Stuttering. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 


McGill, M. & *Fiddler, K. (2021). A User’s Guide for Understanding and Addressing Telepractice Technology Challenges via ZOOM. Perspectives of the ASHA Special Interest Groups, 6, 494-499.


McGill, M., Cullen, L., & Webb, H. (2019). Clients' Experiences of Telepractice for Stuttering. Perspectives on Telepractice, 4, 553-562. 


McGill, M., Siegel, J., Nguyen, D., & Rodriguez, S. (2018). Self-report of self-disclosure statements for stuttering. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 58, 22-34.


McGill, M., Noureal, N., & Siegel, J. (2018). Telepractice Treatment of Stuttering: A Systematic Review. Telemedicine and e-Health, 25, 359-368.


Byrd, C., McGill, M., Gkalitsiou, Z., & Cappellini, C. (2017). The effects of self-disclosure on male and female perceptions of individuals who stutter. American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 26, 69-80.


Byrd, C., Hampton, E., McGill, M., & Gkalitsiou, Z. (2016). Participation in Camp Dream. Speak. Live.: Affective and cognitive outcomes for children who stutter. Journal of Speech Pathology & Therapy, 1, 1-10.


Byrd, C., Gkalitsiou, Z., McGill, M., Reed, O., & Kelly, E. (2016). The impact of self-disclosure on school-age listeners’ perceptions of children who stutter. Journal of Child and Adolescent Behavior, 4, 1-9.


McGill, M., Sussman, H., & Byrd, C. (2016). From grapheme to phonological output: Performance of adults who stutter on a word jumble task. PLoS ONE, 11, 1-19.


Byrd, C., McGill, M., & Usler, E. (2015). Nonword repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter: Vocal versus nonvocal performance differences. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 44, 17-31.


Byrd, C., Vallely, M., Anderson, J., & Sussman, H. (2012). Non-word repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 37, 188-201.





McGill, M, Cullen, L., & Webb, H. (2019, November).Telepractice for stuttering: Clients' experiences and perspectives. Poster presented at the annual American Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Orlando, FL. 


Wright, K., Morrell, K., McGill, M., Quinn, E., & Peddicord, J. (2019, October). Telepractice services across the lifespan. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


McGill, M., Cullen, & Webb, H. (2019, October). Clients' views of telepractice for stuttering. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


McGill, M., & Williams, H. (2019, October). Telepractice 101. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


McGill, M., Bess, A., Bisconer, C., Nguyen, D., & Taylor, L. (2018, October). CHAT retreat: Addressing affective and cognitive components of stuttering with adults. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


Cullen, L., Newman, L., & McGill, M. (2018, October). Individual and group telepractice treatment of stuttering. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


Beaty, A., Holton, H., Rodriguez, S., & McGill, M. (2018, October). Bilingual stuttering workbook: Un guía comprensivo para el tratamiento bilingüe. Poster  presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR. 


Landers, H., Castellanos, M., & McGill, M. (2018, October). Cross-language transfer in intervention with bilingual adults who stutter: Two case studies. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


Hsieh, T., Brant, E., & McGill, M. (2018, October). Telepractice assessment of school-age stuttering. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


McGill, M., Siegel, J., & Noureal, N. (2018, August). Assessment and treatment of stuttering via telepractice. Poster presented at the RiteCare conference in Los Angeles, CA.


McGill, M. & Noureal, N. (2017, November). A comparison of face-to-face and telepractice assessment of stuttering. Poster presented at the annual American Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Los Angeles, CA.


McGill, M., Siegel, J., Nguyen, D. & Webb, K. (2017, November). Qualitative analysis of self-disclosure statements used by adults who stutter. Poster presented at the annual American Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Los Angeles, CA.


McGill, M., Weybright, G., & McMillin, A. (2017, October). School-age stuttering: A practical guide to assessment and treatment. Seminar presented at the annual Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


Noureal, N. & McGill, M. (2017, October). A comparison of face-to-face and telepractice assessment of stuttering. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


Nguyen, D., Siegel, J., & McGill, M. (2017, October).  Qualitative analysis of self-disclosure statements used by adults who stutter. Poster presented at the annual Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


McGill, M., Sussman, H., & Byrd, C. (2016, November). Prefix-driven word search: Performance of adults who stutter on a lexical access task. Poster  presented at the annual American Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Philadelphia, PA.


Byrd, C., Croft, R., McGill, M., & Gkalitsiou, Z. (2016, November). Self-disclosure in stuttering treatment: Is it OK to say I'm sorry? Poster  presented at the annual American Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Philadelphia, PA.


McGill, M. (2016, October). From research to practice: An integrated approach to treating children and adults who stutter. Seminar presented at the annual Oregon Speech-Language and Hearing Association conference in Salem, OR.


McGill, M., Gkalitsiou, Z., Coalson, G., & Byrd, C.T. (2016, March). Does subvocal rehearsal contribute to stuttered speech? Seminar presented at the Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Fort Worth, TX.


Byrd, C., McGill, M., Hampton, E., & Tallas, K. (2016, March). Evidence-based treatment for stuttering: A preschool case study. Poster session presented at the Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Fort Worth, TX.


Coalson, G., Byrd, C., & McGill, M. (2016, March). Serial position of errors during nonword production in adults who stutter. Poster session presented  at the Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Fort Worth, TX.


Byrd, C., McGill, M., Hampton, E., & Barrow, B. (2016, March). Evidence-based treatment for stuttering: A school-age case study. Poster session presented at Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Fort Worth, TX.


McGill, M. (2015, December). Exploring the role of phonological working memory in stuttered speech production. Seminar presented to the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders at The University of Texas at Austin.


Coalson, G., McGill, M., Gkalitsiou, Z., & Byrd, C. (2015, November). Phonological working memory in adults who stutter. Seminar presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.


McGill, M., Czimskey, N., & Lindsey, A. (2015, November). To PhD or not to PhD: Students’ perspectives on doctoral studies. Seminar presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.


McGill, M., Sussman, H., & Byrd, C. (2015, November). From grapheme to phonological output: Performance of adults who stutter on a word jumble task. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language Hearing Association Convention, Denver, CO.


Byrd, C., Coalson, G., McGill, M., & Gkalitsiou, Z. (2015, July). The relationship between phonological working memory and stuttering. Seminar presented at the International Fluency Association 8th World Congress, Lisbon, Portugal.


Givens, K., Webster, E., Kim, J., & McGill, M., Byrd, C. (2015, April). Evidence-based treatment for stuttering: An adult case study. Poster session presented at the annual Undergraduate Research Week Longhorn Bazaar at The University of Texas at Austin.


McGill, M., Gkalitsiou, Z., & Byrd, C. (2015, March). Exploring the role of phonological working memory in stuttering. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Texas Speech-Language Hearing Association, San Antonio, TX.


Byrd, C., McGill, M., & Usler, E. (2014, November). Non-word repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter: A systematic replication. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Orlando, FL.


Byrd, C., McGill, M., Anders, M., & Miller, L. (2014, April). Non-word repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter: A systematic replication. Poster session presented at the annual Undergraduate Research Week Longhorn Bazaar at The University of Texas at Austin.


McGill, M. & Byrd, C. (2013, September). Non-word repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter. Presentation at The University of Texas Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders annual Research Blitz.


Byrd, C., Vallely, M., Anderson, J., & Sussman, H. (2012, November). Non-word repetition and phoneme elision in adults who do and do not stutter. Poster session presented at the annual meeting of the American Speech-Language Hearing Association, Atlanta, GA.



Clay Santelman, Larissa Brown, Alimah Hall, Ruthie Aldrich, Amanda Brown, Anna Scott, Bailey Broxson, Brittany Dunham, Chan MacDonald, Daniela Marquina Cuevas, Dave Lula, Denise Nguyen, Emily Brant, Hilani Williams, Hillary Landers, Imani Hunter, Imaya Rodriguez, Jenae Dunlop, Jordan Siegel, Joseph Gorecki, Kimberly Webb, Kristine Lisac, Laura Cullen, Laura Qualls, Lindsey Newman, Maddy Jensen, Maddy Ritt, Marlen Castellanos, Mary Hart, Mineh Ebrahimian, Molly Matthews, Natalie Shamash, Natasha Noureal, Savannah Couch, Shannon LeMeune, Sima Sokolov, Sonny Filamor, Stephanie Merrill, Sulema Rodriguez, Tiffany Hsieh, Tram Nguyen, Zoë Bezzaz


Portland State University

527 SW Hall Street

University Center Building (UCB), Room 429G

Portland, OR 97201

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© 2016 by Megann McGill

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